Gerhard Brandhofer
PH Niederösterreich
- und was Sokrates, Phineas Gage und John Hattie damit zu tun haben. Lernen in der Netzwerkgesellschaft
folgt anderen Regeln. Wer an der Netzwerkgesellschaft teilnehmen möchte, sollte auch über die nötigen digitalen Kompetenzen verfügen. Das ist nur eines der Argumente, warum digitale Medien im
Unterricht eingesetzt werden sollten. In welcher Weise das geschieht, bestimmt wesentlich, ob der Einsatz erfolgreich ist oder nicht. Ein Plädoyer für einen positiv-kritischen Einsatz digitaler
Medien und eine informatische Bildung!
Gerhard Brandhofer organisiert Fort- und Weiterbildungsangebote fürLehrende an der Pädagogischen Hochschule für Niederösterreich undbeschäftigt sich inhaltlich mit Kompetenzmodellen für Lehrende
im Umgangmit digitalen Medien, dem Einsatz von digitalen Technologien im Unterrichtund kindgerechten Programmiersprachen.
Russell Stannard
"Simple technologies that can impact the way we provide feedback, reflect and collaborate."
Peter Brichzin
Gymnasium Ottobrunn und Ludwig Maximilian Universität, Bayern
"Schulentwicklung mit IKT"
Laptops, Tablets, Smartphone - die Technik entwickelt sich rasant. Auch an den schulischen IKT-Ausstattungen hat
sich in den letzten Jahren viel getan. In welchem Umfang hat dies Auswirkungen auf den Unterricht? Wie lässt sich eine Lehr- und Lernkultur in einer Schule etablieren, in der u. a.
Selbstverantwortung des Lernenden, Schülerzentrierung, Kompetenzorientierung, Individualisierung eine wichtige Rolle spielen? Medien- und Methodenkompetenz kann nicht wie Hardware in einem
online-shop bestellt werden, weder für Lehrer noch für Schüler.
Am Beispiel des Gymnasiums Ottobrunn, einer bayerischen IT-Schule, wird ein gelungener Entwicklungsprozess geschildert, dessen Erfolg insbesondere auch in pädagogischen Konzepten liegt.
Professor Dr Anne Bamford
University of the Arts London
Anne Bamford is currently Professor at the University of the Arts London and Director of the International Research Agency. Anne has been recognised nationally and
internationally for her research in arts, education, emerging literacies and visual communication.
She is an expert in the international dimension of education and through
her research, she has pursued issues of innovation, social impact and equity and diversity.
A World Scholar for UNESCO, Anne has conducted major national educational impact and evaluation studies for the governments of Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium, Iceland, Hong Kong, and Norway.
Amongst her numerous articles and book chapters, Anne is author of the “Wow Factor: Global research compendium on the impact of the arts in education” which has been published in five languages and distributed in more than 40 countries.
Anne has won a number of educational awards including for Best Educational Research, the National Teaching Award and was a runner-up in the British Female Innovator of the Year award.
Professor Bamford is a Freeman of the Guild of Educators and
a Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts.
Prof. Dr. Andrej Brodnik
University of Ljubljana, FRI and University of Primorska, DIST
"Situation, Perspectives and the Inclusion of Informatics within e-Competency in Slovenian Schools."
Andrej Brodnik got his PhD from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. After graduation he returned to Slovenia and start working as head of research and CTO in industry (IskraSistemi and
ActiveTools). In 2002 he moved to University of Primorska. During the same time he also worked as a researcher and adjoined professor with the University of Technology in Luleå, Sweden. Andrej
authored several tens of various scientific papers. He is also author and co-author of patents in Sweden and USA. The CiteSeer and ACM Digital Library lists over 200 citations of his works. Prof.
Brodnik is also a recipient of a number of awards (National award for exceptional achievements in higher education teaching; Borisa Kidriča award; Fulbright scholarship; IBM Faculty Award, 2004;
Golden Plaque of University of Primorska; etc.). Currently Prof. Brodnik holds position with the University of Ljubljana.
Prof. Dr. Marta Hunya,
Hungarian Institute of Educational Research and Development
"Self-evaluation and monitoring of ICT usage at schools in Hungary"
At the Hungarian Institute for Educational research and Development an R+D team developed an online self-evaluation asset for schools which also serves as a country-wide monitoring tool for assessing the educational use of ICT. It collects soft data in four fields, learning, teaching, operation and infrastructure and concentrates on pedagogical issues with a whole school approach. 2426 schools have already registered in the system: in 2010 362, in 2011 723, in 2013 729 full self-evaluations have been done. We have already had three evaluation periods and are currently analysing the data of the third one. The yearly report puts the schools in four categories according to their level of ICT usage, the category names are based on the UNESCO/IFIP categories in Approaches to ICT Development in Schools. The talk is to introduce the system itself and the trends of ICT in education in Hungary, - in comparison with other international surveys.
Marta Hunya is Senior researcher at the Hungarian Institute for Educational research and development. She is experienced in national and international R+D projects connected to the renewal of methodology of teaching in general and via using ICT. She takes part in the core curriculum development process regarding foreign languages and the general knowledge areas of VET. At the moment she has a leading role in the reform of the teacher training system in Hungary where a new teacher career model is being introduced. She is a member of IFIP working group 3, secondary education.
Prof. Dr. Heinz Moser
Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
"Schule und Digital Citizenship"